Dengan dunia mata terpaku pada situasi di fasilitas nuklir Fukushima Jepang , rasa takut dan khawatir atas stabilitas pasokan listrik nuklir itu dunia adalah bergelombang. Investor menjual saham tenaga nuklir, takut mungkin ada reaksi yang mencegah pembangunan fasilitas baru.
Dan reaksi yang mungkin sudah dimulai. Jerman, yang menghasilkan 28,6% dari tenaga listrik dengan menggunakan fasilitas nuklir pada tahun 2009 menurut IAEA , telah sudah mengumumkan rencana untuk menutup semua tujuh reaktor nuklirnya yang datang online sebelum 1980 ( selama basal 3 bulan ). Itulah negara terbesar ke-16 produsen nuklir energi dengan persentase di dunia. Jepang, kini mengalami bencana, adalah nomor 15.
Kita memiliki kekuatan 13 berikutnya nuklir negara-negara produsen terbesar dengan persentase dan rincian pada tanaman baru gedung mereka, dan yang tua mereka mungkin harus mengambil off band jika mereka mengikuti memimpin Jerman.
Catatan: Lithuania nomor 1 di dunia produsen pada tahun 2009, namun kedua pabrik ditutup pada awal 2010, sehingga tidak lagi menghasilkan apapun listriknya dari tenaga nuklir.

#13 Finland
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 32.87%
Plants at risk: 2
Plants under construction: 1
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#12 Czech Republic
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 33.77%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#11 South Korea
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 34.79%
Plants at risk: 1
Plants under construction: 5
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#10 Bulgaria
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 35.90%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: 2
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#9 Sweden
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 37.43%
Plants at risk: 4
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#8 Slovenia
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 37.88%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#7 Switzerland
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 39.50%
Plants at risk: 4
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#6 Hungary
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 42.98%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.
#5 Armenia
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 44.95%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#4 Ukraine
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 48.59%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: 2
Note: The Chernobyl disaster happened in Ukraine. All of those plants are now shut down.
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

Nuclear as a share of energy production: 51.65%
Plants at risk: 3
Plants under construction: None
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#2 Slovakia
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 53.50%
Plants at risk: None
Plants under construction: 2
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

#1 France
Nuclear as a share of energy production: 75.17%
Plants at risk: 6
Plants under construction: 1
Source: IAEA
Note: Plants considered at risk were made operational prior to 1980. These are the plants the German government now plans to shut down.

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